Entity ComplexModel.java
@FieldDefaults(level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
@Table(value = "t_complex_model", comment = "测试")
public class ComplexModel extends BaseEntity {
String name;
* 查询字典表 sys_dict 中获取数据
* 通过注解 @Sql 获取 label 值
@JsonDeserialize(using = EntityWithCodePropertyDeserializer.class)
@Sql(value = "select name code, label from sys_dict WHERE type = 'MATERIAL_TYPE' AND name = :name", params="id@materialType.code", nullWhenParamsIsNull="code")
@DictType(type = "MATERIAL_TYPE") // 可以省略 从@Sql 获取label
@DictValueCheck(type = "MATERIAL_TYPE")
DictValue materialType;
* DictUtils.fillDictLabel(this) 手动填充label
@JsonDeserialize(using = EntityWithCodePropertyDeserializer.class)
@DictType(type = "UNIT")
@DictValueCheck(type = "UNIT")
DictValue unit;
* 用于 BaseCodeEntity 的关联,拥有 id , 区别于DictValue
// @Embedded(columnPrefix="plant_")
// @JsonAlias("plantCode")
// @JsonDeserialize(using = EntityWithCodePropertyDeserializer.class)
// @Sql(value = "SELECT id, code, description from core_plant WHERE id = :id", params="id@plant.id", nullWhenParamsIsNull="id")
// private IdCodeValue plant;
* 使用注解 @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.OBJECT) 可以不使用 @JsonValue
CodeDescription.CategoryEnum category;
@Column(comment = "状态")
WorkStatusEnum workStatus;
@JsonDeserialize(using = EntityWithCodePropertyDeserializer.class)
@DictType(type = "CategoryEnum")
@DictValueCheck(type = "CategoryEnum")
DictValue categoryDict;
@Column(comment = "年龄", nullable = false)
private Integer age;
@Column(comment = "出生时间")
private LocalDate birthday;
* 必须使用 @JsonValue, 如果使用 @JsonFormat 数据写入会有问题
@Column(comment = "分类", value = "category_list", nullable = false)
private List<CodeDescription.CategoryEnum> categoryList;
@Column(comment = "字典分类", value = "category_dict_list", nullable = false)
@DictType(type = "CategoryEnum")
private List<DictValue> categoryDictList;
@Column(comment = "婚否", nullable = false)
private Boolean marriage;
@Column(comment = "附件", columnDefinition = "text", value = "attachment", nullable = false)
private List<Map<String, Object>> attachmentList;
@Column(comment = "学习经历", columnDefinition = "text", value = "school_experience")
private List<List<String>> schoolExperienceList;
@Column(columnDefinition = "text", value = "map", nullable = false)
private Map<String, Object> map;
EmbeddedValue embeddedValue;
@ManyToOne(value = "packaging_group_id", parentTable = "core_group", comment = "包装组id")
@JsonDeserialize(using = EntityWithLongIdPropertyDeserializer.class)
private ObjectGroup packagingGroup;
@Column(value = "packaging_group_code", comment = "包装组code")
@JsonProperty(access = JsonProperty.Access.WRITE_ONLY)
private String packagingGroupCode;
@ManyToMany(thirdPartyTable = "pur_order_type_item_config",
referenceTable = "pur_item_config", referenceColumnName = "item_id", columnDefinition = "type_id")
private List<ItemConfig> itemConfigList;
@ManyToOne(value = "core_code_group_id", parentTable = "core_code_group")
@JsonDeserialize(using = EntityWithLongIdPropertyDeserializer.class)
private CodeGroup codeGroup;
@OneToMany(joinValue = "business_partner_id",
subTable = "core_business_partner_role",
cascadeInsertOrUpdate = true, reversePropertyName = "businessPartnerId", cascadeDelete = false)
private List<Role> roleList;
@Select(table = "mm_classification", joinValue = "material_id", referencePropertyName = "materialId")
private List<Classification> classificationList;
@Select(table = "core_code_assign", joinValue = "core_code_group_id", referencePropertyName = "id", oneToOne= true)
private CodeAssign codeAssign;
@Sql(value = "select * from t_person where id = :id AND name like :title", params = "id@person.id, title@title")
private Person p3;
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.OBJECT)
public enum WorkStatusEnum {
UNFINISHED(0, "未完成"),
FINISHED(1, "已完成");
private static final Map<Integer, WorkStatusEnum> codeMap = new HashMap<>();
static {
for (WorkStatusEnum e : values()) {
codeMap.put(e.code, e);
private final int code;
private final String label;
public int getCode() {
return this.code;
* code枚举 必须重写toString()
* @return
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(code);
public static WorkStatusEnum valueOfCode(int code) {
return codeMap.get(code);
public class EmbeddedValue implements JsonStringToObjectConverterFactory.JsonValue {
@DictType(type = "MATERIAL_TYPE") // 可以省略 从@Sql 获取label
DictValue dictValue;
String text;
value value.json
"name": "Rick.Xu",
"materialType": "HIBE",
"unit": "EA",
"category": "MATERIAL",
"status": "0",
"categoryDict": "SALES_ORG",
"age": 34,
"birthday": "2021-12-26",
"categoryList": [
"categoryDictList": [
"marriage": true,
"attachmentList": [
"name": "picture",
"url": "baidu.com"
"schoolExperienceList": [
"map": {
"name": "picture",
"url": "baidu.com"
"embeddedValue": {
"dictValue": {
"code": "HIBE",
"label": "耗材用品"
"text": "text"
response Json Value
"success": true,
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"id": "856929212655734784",
"createBy": "1",
"createTime": "2024-08-19 14:23:43",
"updateBy": "1",
"updateTime": "2024-08-19 14:23:43",
"name": "Rick.Xu",
"materialType": {
"code": "HIBE",
"label": "耗材用品"
"unit": {
"code": "EA",
"label": "个"
"category": "MATERIAL",
"categoryDict": {
"code": "SALES_ORG"
"age": 34,
"birthday": "2021-12-26",
"categoryList": [
"categoryDictList": [
"code": "MATERIAL"
"marriage": true,
"attachmentList": [
"name": "picture",
"url": "baidu.com"
"schoolExperienceList": [
"map": {
"name": "picture",
"url": "baidu.com"
"embeddedValue": {
"dictValue": {
"code": "HIBE",
"label": "耗材用品"
"text": "text"